Our first
evening was a time of unwinding from the bus-i-ness
of preparation and of releasing our cares for the weekend. We
arrived to beautiful blue skies, restful green trees,
and happy, welcoming friends - and friends-to-be.

In many corners
of the facility, inside and out, we
found prayer stations with a variety of themes, but
each with a invitation to entertain the peace of
this enchanted place.
We checked
out the amenities and
explored the many
tranquil paths. We found our cabins, and chose a room,
depending on our sleeping style.
you were a hoot owl or an early bird, a snorer
or a light sleeper, there was a room for you. But before we
slept, we had a busy evening.
a Conscious Enchantment ceremony, we received
our bindis modeled here by Debbie, Patrician and
Hummingbird, placed them on our foreheads, over our
sixth charka, the seat of concealed wisdom, and divided
into groups by color to begin a process of exploration
and bonding that continued throughout the retreat.
At the evening
service, Jody Kessler and her
magical guitar
got us
chanting a prayerful "Only Love is Flowing
and taught us her own version of the Hoki-Poki.

Kyra's message:
We release old energies - those that were part of our past paradigm but no longer fit or serve our expanded, enchanted life path.
We unwind by finding the beauty in one another - the beauty that we sometimes diminish through our everyday thoughts, words and actions.
We dedicate ourselves to a weekend and life of sacred enchantment as a community of powerful, loving Goddesses expressing our full Divine potential.
We honor one another through our God/Goddess/Christ/Highest Self as we proclaim our willingness to serve and be served.