On October
19, 20 and 21, 2007
we met
at Chapel Rock, Prescott, AZ

to celebrate, commune and refresh,
and to embrace the enchantment
within our lives.

Our own
Kyra Baehr led us through the process
and Jody
Kessler, from New York, provided exquisite music.

The Goddess
of Spiritual Abundance, painted by Utigard
Studios and donated by Genevive Normand watched over us,
radiating feminine power and confidence - and helping us to
raise money for our Women's Ministry Scholarship Fund. On
Sunday, Pat Flahardt discovered that she had the raffle ticket
that sent the the Goddess home with her.
Judy Adams, Cyndi
Ruehle, Rita Manning, Sue Lullo, Rev. Kyra Baehr, Rosemary VanThournout, Chris
Forest, Shelia Pilger
Unity Womens' Ministry Council planned
this retreat with much prayer, meditation and
remarkable attention to detail.

made it all work. No photo here
because it would include over half of the retreaters
and even some that didn't get to come!

those who attended,
Find here a reminder of our enchantment.
(Only a reminder
- what you see here is built upon photos taken by
of us. Sometimes, we were just too involved to take pictures!
We apologize if your favorite part of the retreat was missed!)
those who couldn't,
Find here a small taste of what you missed
--and know that we missed you!
For those who kept things going while we were away
(bless you!), and for anyone else who is just curious,
Find here a record of our journey.

enter our enchanted space,
click on buttons below: